
Your Are Not Missing Out When You Are Choosing To Better Yourself.....

  Tuesday morning Day 26 of Dry January 2021. Why is it when we give something up or abstain for a while that we feel like we're missing out? What is that all about?  Our habits & rituals are ingrained into us without us really realising it, until we decide to change it. Well this is what I've found. Over the past number of years I've given up drinking & smoking both of these were rituals to me that I'd been doing for years! It does make me cringe slightly especially smoking!!! It's just so disgusting. Have you kicked any habits that were totally ingrained into your life? The reason behind that change has to be as 'Clear As Day' otherwise it's not going to last & you set yourself up to fail. Find Your Reason . My reason was my mortality. I was fast approaching 50 & I made the conscious decision that I really want to grow old & stay alive for as long as humanly possible. This to me meant a healthier lifestyle.  I knocked the drinking

If Your Dreams Don't Scare You They're Too Small........

I read this morning that yesterday was known as 'Blue Monday'  it's all about feeling like you're in a rut what with January, cold weather, lockdown, working not working, home schooling the list is endless.  What they were saying in the article I was reading is that it's important to 'have a plan' (something I often mention during Dry January). The Plan centres on doing something every day which relates to each of these 5 key areas:- Health, Socialising, Work, Relaxing & Creativity. As I read the '5' I found myself nodding in agreement with all of them. The Plan gives you something to focus on instead of getting bogged down with analysing your emotions. Yes, that sounds good, it sure does!  'A Road Map to looking after Ourselves' 1. Health : This could be eating a banana, going for a walk/jog, doing yoga, trying online boxing. Why it works: it releases the endorphins 'feeling good' chemicals in the brain. A mood booster makes us f

It Adds Up........

I love The Rock such wise words. Nothing happens over night not unless we're talking about a hangover! One day at a time..... I woke up really early again today (my dog is old & when she needs to go, she needs to go!) so the consequence of my early walk was my inability to get back to sleep, don't get me wrong, I did try! So into my 'twilight' hours I went.... I sound like I'm moaning but I'm really not. I enjoy this 'me' time when I do a bit (actually a lot) of reading,  the age of the internet really can take us everywhere & to anything.  I found myself looking at Coaching & Coaches wow what a broad spectrum of people & businesses. I realised that there are tons of us out there. It made me glad that I have a 'niche' of clients that I'm working with who all have the same common bond 'their desire to look at their relationship with alcohol'.  This doesn't mean they're total alcoholics. It doesn't mean that

Love Yourself.......

Morning All I've been a bit lax writing a post every day. I'm always here & you can always contact me:  Awake since 3.20am & I've feel like I've done a day's work already. But actually I use this time for reflection. I read stuff, I write stuff, this morning I put on a charcoal face mask & I had a long soak in the bath which was bliss & has now set me up for the day. Twilight is 'my time'. Time for ME. I love it. When is your 'my time' for you? New Years are always a bit of a 'funny one' not funny ha ha but funny weird. I love the run up to a new year. It gives me time to reflect & time to plan my year ahead. Most of my plans in 2020 were scuppered because of covid. This time last year I'd booked 3 short midweek breaks & was researching Denmark. I just managed to squeeze that trip in before lockdown. I had to cancel the rest. New Year = New Goals. Now that you're halfway through Dry

3 Empowering Words: I DON'T DRINK

Day 11 Dry January 2021 Happy Monday Everyone! How are you? I'm 'live' on 'Your Sober Coach' Facebook Page every day @9am. I post it so you can go back & watch it. There's one for every day so far. I hope they help especially if you've just joined me. The Little Book of Confidence by Susan Jeffers is one of my favourites: Here are 2 pages that I've found really helpful: What Happens When You Give 100%? When you commit to giving 100% to all areas of your life, your sense of focus, excitement, participation, enjoyment fulfilment & happiness come alive, perhaps for the first time. What a glorious feeling this is! Giving 100% Does Not Mean Forever. Life is always bringing us new adventures. New challenges arise involving career moves; relationships may end, & so on. But if you have given 100%, when the time comes to move on, there is nothing to regret. I love this & have found it really helpful & incredibly reassuring. How's your note

Don't Be Afraid. Be........

Morning All Day 8 Dry January 2021 I'm awake at the crack of a sparrow's fart yet again. And I've made use of my twilight hours by completing my tax return. I've always been a last minute .com kinda girl. Give me a deadline & I will go right up to the final hour. So I'm proud of myself for not doing my usual 11.55pm on January 31st. How are you? This quote from Michelle Obama is one of my favourites. Don't Be Afraid. We are all so much stronger than we think we are. My mantra for 2021 is 'feel the fear & do it anyway' this is from a book by Susan Jeffers that I read years ago. Get yourself a copy if you've not read it. I found it truly inspiring. You are all being incredibly brave by embracing Dry January - you are creating a NEW YOU. Be Focused : Focus on YOU. Focus on your selfcare. Focus on your emotions. Focus on planning your days. Focus on not drinking alcohol. Focus on getting out in the fresh air. Focus on what you're grateful for

I was Addicted to the Hokey Pokey but I turned myself around.....

Day 7 - ONE WEEK!!!!!! Morning All Emotions - when you give something up it tends to heighten the emotions. Are you feeling more emotional than usual? Every time I stopped drinking for a period of time it would feel like an Emotional Rollercoaster!!!! Tearful? I would cry at anything. Do you use alcohol as a crutch? I know I did. Think about it. You've taken your crutch away or you could call it a safety blanket - everything feels a bit raw doesn't it? Are you feeling sad? You're missing your friend in the bottle. Habits are so hard to break - CONGRATULATIONS - you've broken the back of the first week. This is a HUGE achievement - WELL DONE! 7 Days in....Your sleep should be alot better. Your skin, is it clearer, almost brighter? Your whites of your eyes, are they clearer? Write it all in your notebook. We're fast approaching Friday Night - 'The Danger Zone' - Plan Ahead what are you going to do? Decide how your evening's going to pan out. Plan what you&